- If it's not monitorized, it's not in production.
- Unplanned work steals time from planned work.
- We're all in IT together.
- Operational requirements are as important as functional requirements.
- Ship it.
- Call it DevOps, NoOps or Devs & Ops. It's about people.
- We're all on pagerduty together.
- Philosophy or framework; do what works and makes business efficient.
- DevOps encompasses development, operations, management, admin staff, sales, cleaning, graphic designers, baristas and more.
- Read "The Phoenix Project", "The Goal" and "Critical Chain".
- Get your boss to read "The Phoenix Project", "The Goal" and "Critical Chain".
- Process isn't a dirty word.
- Integrate continuously, because anything can break.
- Deploy continuously, because deployment is a core process and practice makes perfect.
- Communicate continuously, because people are at the core of the process.
- Identify your bottlenecks.
- Automate everything... unless you're a nuclear plant.
- Automate everything anyway!